Operations Performance Review

Performance Rating Definitions: 

Distinguished (5): Outstanding performance that results in exceptional accomplishments with significant contributions to the overall good of the division or company.  Performs at a very high level near 100% of the time.

Satisfactory (4): Good performance with the individual consistently fulfilling position requirements and consistently meeting goals.

Marginal (3): Inconsistent performance.  The individual may fulfill their responsibilities most of the time but there are notable instances where they do not meet the goals or requirements of their role.

Poor (2): Performance l eaves room for improvement. This performance level may be the result of an inexperienced employee on the job or an individual not responding favorably to instruction.

Critical (1): Well below the minimum requirements, performs at a subpar performance level.  Situation requires immediate review and action.  Possible separation or reassignment is in order without significant and immediate performance improvement.

Selected Value: 0
Demonstrates familiarity with written procedures and exhibits a high level of competence to clients and agent partners.
Selected Value: 0
Takes time to learn how to efficiently use features in ISN, Spectora, etc. and knows how to solve challenges when they arrive.
Selected Value: 0
Is able to communicate clearly and accurately about the services we provide. Able to answer common questions regarding services and "how we do things."
Selected Value: 0
Able to schedule appointments/trips in such a way auto minimize drive times. Familiar with what areas we do and do not service.
Selected Value: 0
Able to efficiently manage call volume, limit length of calls, accomplish assigned tasks, etc.
Selected Value: 0
Emails and texts are professional, grammatically correct, and reflect the values of the company.
Selected Value: 0
Talks to clients and agents in a way that is warm, yet professional. Empathy + accuracy is the goal. Clients and agents are put at ease when you communicate with them.
Selected Value: 0
Communicates with manager(s) in a way that is respectful and helpful.
Selected Value: 0
Demonstrates an overall positive attitude. Looks for ways to help solve problems rather than complain. Co-workers enjoy interacting with you.
Selected Value: 0
Begins working on time on a daily basis. Provides reasonably prompt replies to clients and agents.
Selected Value: 0
Consistently available during scheduled work days. Provides plenty of notice for vacation requests, days off, etc.
Selected Value: 0
Willing to accept coaching and/or correction from manager(s) without becoming overly defensive.
Selected Value: 0
Consistently performs at a high level. Willing to jump in and go the extra mile when needed.
Selected Value: 0
Looks for ways to grow, learn, and take on new challenges. Achieves goals within deadlines. Not content to coast.
Selected Value: 0
Owns mistakes and takes action to make things right. Looks for ways to help out co-workers and make the team succeed.
Selected Value: 0
Overall performance as a team member.